It’s TIME TO PUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Many of us have been ‘pregnant’ our entire lives waiting for that Kairos moment when we will ‘deliver’ our destinies.
For those of us that have been pregnant with children, 9 months can feel like an eternity. But there is so much spiritual significance as in the different stages of a ‘real pregnancy, and ‘spiritual pregnancies. None of it is easy.
But as we allow the Lord to carry us through even the detours to us, we can be assured, when our moment comes, it will be a ‘glorious’ birth.
We need to keep ‘pushing ‘through until that glorious moment, believing GOD is faithful to perform His Words over us.
If we give in to the temptations to ‘take matters into our own hands’, we may birth ‘Ishmaels’ and not GOD’s perfect will for us. Look what happened to Abraham, and the lasting influence of Ishmael.
Things have been extremely challenging for a number of leaders I know, who have been experiencing some very hard life events. I am sure there are more! These areas are physical, financial and relational. You name it!
These challenges have the potential towards discouragement, weariness, and hopelessness. In some instances, the pain is excruciating and debilitating.
The other component they all shared, was that each individual is on the verge of some very big doors opening for them, in the Kingdom. I began to inquire of the Lord. How can we serve You in our calls, in this state of affairs?
Recently, I had an impression. It was a picture of a woman in labor, with the baby crowning, during transition, the most difficult part of childbirth. The woman looked out of control, and in much distress. After this image, I heard the Lord speak to my spirit, the following.
My eagles are in labor and are about to ‘cross over’ to their destinies in 2024. The devourer is postured to distract my leaders, creating havoc, ready to pounce and devour the eaglets.
What I felt was that this was the enemy’s last-ditch effort to abort ‘calls’ of God in these individuals. The Spirit of the Lord told me that we are to push on and Praise Him, and that as soon as we step into 2024, the enemy would not be allowed to harass us, in these areas. Victory was coming. God was also saying this was boot camp, and He was making us bullet proof for the times ahead.
Destiny is knocking at our doors. God is going to ‘deliver ‘us and the baby would be born in a glorious fashion with heaven rejoicing. The Angel of the Lord is acting as midwife, and protecting and tending the birth, personally. This comforted me very much. Not only that but the Lord further spoke that these babies would be beautiful, perfect in all ways, and would not die of ‘crib death, or failure to thrive”.
I further felt impressed that we were not to worry, question or doubt, at the pain and chaos of this period of labor, but instead to bless and praise Him knowing that it is all well.
We were to keep pushing, and to maintain our focus on Him and persevere. After the glorious birth, we would all be restored to Divine wellness for the call.
As I was looking at Facebook this evening trying to understand these goings on further, I saw this quote by a FB friend Rev. Luc Niebergall,” You have no idea whose life will be impacted simply by our willingness to persevere”. The bible says that we overcome by the testimony of our mouth and the blood of the Lamb. Indeed!
Suddenly things came into better focus, I also sensed that this perseverance and overcoming would give us a greater authority in the spirit. The enemy of our soul would never have any power over us again, in this way.
God is going to break through for us, Himself”. Amen and Amen. Be encouraged, the victory is ours, we have crossed over! Remember it is not ‘IF’ it’s WHEN!
Josephine Marie Ayers