Understanding the Wiles and Strategy of the Enemy Part 2
By Josephine Marie Ayers www.flamesoffire.us
Discomunication! Is that a word? I made it one!
Genesis 11: 5-11 Amplified
And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built.
6 And the Lord said, Behold, they are one people and they have [a]all one language; and this is only the beginning of what they will do, and now nothing they have imagined they can do will be impossible for them.
7 Come, let Us go down and there confound (mix up, confuse) their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.
8 So the Lord scattered them abroad from that place upon the face of the whole earth, and they gave up building the city.”
This was a way the Lord dealt with idolatry and more, back in Genesis.
Right now, I see the enemy using confusion within especially the Body of Christ, to cause strife, more confusion, disinformation, division and more.
There is also confusion I see in generational conversations. What do I mean about that? A few years ago, I was dealing with a millennial leader who refused conversation in person, did not answer phone calls, and restricted conversation to texts. I was absolutely getting no answers at all! What it boiled down to I later found out was , ‘ no answer’, was the answer. What?! Gee, I did not know that. I was feeling ignored, and confused. The issue I needed resolved went without resolve for days. I did not know the new communication rules. To me ‘yes ‘is ‘yes’ and ‘no ‘is ‘no’, or ‘I don’t know’. Yikes, it sure did that cause issues.
Or how about when my older son would raise his hand at me?? Oh, that means, ‘talk to the hand’, I am not listening. That was an education! I have more examples.
More recently I hired and paid for a professional Christian to do a job. Seven months later no answers to calls, texts emails and more. Blew up into a major issue. This person did not do what they said what they would do. When I ran into that person at a meeting it forced my hand to write quite the letter and offer that if I did not hear, I would us Matthew 18:15.
But what made me sad was that this was also a friend and fellow Believer, officer of the court. It was a sad witness to me. If you are a professing believer not only is GOD watching, but others are.
Or how about this?! People say they don’t have time for phone calls, so all information is via text, or email. For me that is so labor intensive. I am a one finger texter, and anything of substance is a nuisance to convey these ways.
While I believe there is a place for texting, to restrict all conversation to texts and emails, is an ‘accident ready to happen’, with regards to misunderstandings, and discommunication.
Problems will arise, especially with a lack of facial expression/affect, and or voice inflection. These are huge parts of conversating and communication.
When we lack face to face or voice to voice, there also is a major inability to clarify. I like using the speaker listener technique. For example one person says something, and then the other says, ‘ what I heard you say was , such and so’. At that point the person initiating the conversation can say, either nope that is not what I meant, or indeed that is ‘right ‘on target. Using this technique especially with ‘ sensitive ‘ subject can alleviate , hurt feelings, of acting on what we thought we heard, causing real problems and more CONFUSION, and more! There is that word CONFUSION AGAIN. Been there and done that! Who is the author of confusion??!!! The enemy.
Believe me the devil is busy with DISCOMMUNICATION tactics, these days!
Because at what happened at the Tower of Babel, I believe that this was an open door for the enemy to use what God meant for good, and also judgment. The devil busy is now weaponizing language and communication, causing further disunity within the world. I believe the Body of Christ, is a main target. My goodness now different younger generations have their own way of communicating, and other newer generations don’t have a clue what we in the older generation are trying to convey!
So now not only do we now have different dialects, languages and semantics, which assigns different meanings to common words, to add insult to injury!
No wonder one could picture an alphabet soup of letters, and words, in our head, swimming around! With no common denominators of understanding.
I also feel FEAR of confrontation of stating things how they are is also a hindrance, and keeps people from communicating in a constructive way.
Who is the author of FEAR? False Evidence Appearing Real!
So, what’s the fix?
Matthew 5:37
Amplified Bible
37 But let your statement be, ‘Yes, yes’ or ‘No, no’ [a firm yes or no]; anything more than that comes from the evil one.”
Could not have said it better myself!
We are all adults, stop being afraid to deal with difficult subjects. Trust Holy Spirit to tell you when to speak , and when not to
Pray GOD go before you with the person you want to talk to.
Finally, I am saying we need to give great importance, to communication and avoid situations that could lead to confusion, ignoring issues, and unnecessary judgments of others, and mass hurt feelings, and misunderstandings. We need to confirm, validate and more, and foster unity.
Oh, lets also add hearsay in the mix. Oh did you know what so and so said, and by the time it goes around the block ,the original message is not even close to what was actually said! GO right to the source.
How many people sit in church meetings and take all the preacher says to the bank and not checking it out themselves, because they do fast food Christianity. We are called by GOD to be like the Bereans who did research to get the right context.
How about prophecy. If you called to do that. Learn how to hear His voice for sure. We will be especially accountable for giving WORDS out the mouth of God. I love it when people who are also prophets insist they are the only one hearing GOD!!
Prophecy always had to line up with the Logos! Many are led astray with this gift.
The enemy is according to scripture, like a ‘roaring lion seeking whom he can destroy. The main target Believers, marriages, friendships, and more.
God is a relational GOD, and He gave us communication to foster, relationship. If we don’t have time to communicate or understand properly, then a red flag should go up for us. Without proper communication and understanding we run the risk of relational accidents, and hurt feelings and more. This is exactly what I believe the devil wants to do.
To me time is the most precious gift we can give each other and most importantly to God.
We need to be good and active listeners. We need to clarify, be Bereans and more. We need to dignify people with answers, and know that, ‘I don’t know is also an acceptable answer. But no answer IS NOT AN ANSWER! Avoidance will cause discord, and trouble.
Let’s make this a priority all around with each other and GOD! And add knowledge to understanding another wile of the enemy of our soul!
Know your enemy! How do you know the lie? You need to know the truth first. jma