Understanding the Wiles and Strategy of the Enemy #1
By Josephine Marie Ayers
Ephesians 6:12
English Standard Version
12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
About six months ago, Holy Spirit directed me in this fashion; ‘No more winey prayers.! It is time to declare and decree according to Job 22:28. You shall declare a thing, and it will be established, and your light will come’. Holy Spirit He said, I would receive specific directions in prayer on how and what to declare. He reminded me of many times I had done this in the past, to see successful conclusions to situations.
This ministry has always had first and foremost to ‘educate, motivate, activate the Body Of Christ to their God given authority, with signs and wonders, following”. That is our mission statement.
This is much at lack in our current churches. Flames of Fire does more than that but that was the original mission statement of FOF!
How many will agree that often with GOD is trying to teach us something it starts with an ‘illustrated experience ‘, with us? It is with me, anyways. How many of us can agree that the enemy will use whatever he can to make us impotent, and keep us from exercising our GOD given authority, and Dominion? Can you imagine if all of us connected with the authority and Resurrection power, and Dominion, HE gave us, what the result would be? If we all walked in it, there would not be a demon in Hell want to get near any of us! I believe that.
Once we get the ‘memo’, it is a lesson usually impressed and ingrained in us, permanently. I also believe we would actually do those ‘greater things than HE did, in this day an hour, as scripture says!
About two weeks before I left for a trip to California to see family, I received a written WORD, and a vision of me standing in a boat trying to manage the swirling waves around me. Oh no, Lord, more!!
Well, it happened, and with the number of events swirling around me, I found myself exhausted and WORN OUT! Things were swirling about at such a rapid pace; it was hard to keep up! My private life had to be put on hold, jet lag had a hard grip on return, and more. I was feeling twitches in my eye lids, tension in my jaw, and sleepless nights. Even with this I was getting so far behind I had to press through the turmoil.
I found myself angry at four individuals, some of its justified, but that as well, was adding more drain and strain, to all of these situations.
Last night a sister in the Lord, gave me word that GOD was taking me yet another level to NOT ALLOW the strain and drain, to affect me the way, it had been. She went on to say, the enemy’s strategy is to drain me, and make me worn out and ineffective! WOW, a light bulb went on! I had fallen prey to mainly using as she put it, my gifts, talents and capabilities to fight all these battles! Yes indeed. I am a ‘get the job done ‘person! Because of where He is taking me/us, GOD wants me to go to HIM straight away to ask if this is something I should engage or not. If so, the grace would be there to do it, and if not, HE WOULD HANDLE IT! Thank you, Jesus, for friends that can spot and be used of God to point you, in the RIGHT direction.
I had fallen prey to the enemy, and realized that it was and is so overwhelming. GOD would fight those battles that m HE did not need my input at all, regardless of how horrible and out of control, they are. Thus, releasing me of unnecessary burdens and freeing me up to take care of myself, and what those things He has given me to do for HIM. I also prayed with this sister and released my anger at these individuals and situations and received His forgiveness and forgave them. I feel so much lighter this am. Scripture says when we confess our sins to one another, He is faithful to cleanse us of ALL Unrighteousness. Today is a new day, and His mercies ARE new every morning, and TRULY GOODNESS AND MERCY WILL FOLLOW ME, ALL THE DAYS OF MY (OUR ) LIVES.
OFTEN, we forget HIS Omnipotence and Power to do those things for us, and we struggle and often these things have very ontward effects on us, body, soul and spirit.
SO, if you find yourself excessively weary, overwhelmed, tired, angry and more. I urge you to take a step back and realize this is a strategy from the enemy to take you ‘out’, in many ways.
I got it! Roll those things on to Him. Ask Him first if you are to act, or be silent, regardless what you think you should do. Proverbs 3 V 5,6.
Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, LEAN NOT on your own understanding. In ALL of your ways, Acknowledge Him and HE will order your steps.
I believe it is us that makes our own lives miserable. Case in point me, now.
Truth is silent, while lies are LOUD! Choose to let Peace be your umpire, Colossians 3.
Another sister gave me this scripture this am;
“When we go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up, the flames will not consume you”
Isa 43:2
I will also leave you with Isaiah 14:27 author’s paraphrase;
“All the gates of hell cannot come against what GOD has ordained for us!”
Stay focused on WHO is in control, not what is happening!
Amen and Amen.
To God be the Glory! “March forward’ in His Power today!
March 9, 2023