Stay in the Anointing?
I was meeting with a dear friend, and explaining about how when I step in to a ministry time, (I used the word, ‘anointing designated from the LORD), the pain in my back, and the sorrow about my husband are deferred for a time. I was able to focus, and GOD took over. More of Him, less of me! I further described that when the ministry time is over, those issues returned. A strange phenomenon to me. Why, I thought did the relief from this go, when I was done ministering? She suggested that I learn how to stay in the anointing. At first, I felt like a failure that I ‘seemingly ‘could not maintain that posture. It was not a failure, but a perspective. Perhaps a semantic , issue? Let me explain.
When I inquired of the Lord about all of this, and in my studies, I found that I was not ‘in an out of the anointing’, but rather in and out of the ‘grace ‘for that moment. The Word says, His grace is sufficient.
Scripture also says that the anointing, comes with a price!
Isaiah 10:27 says, ‘So it will be in that day, that the burden will be removed from your shoulders, and his yoke from you neck, and the yoke will be broken, because of fatness.” NASB
The word ‘fatness’ s used in most versions, and a in a few other translations, the word ‘fatness’ is replaced with the word, ‘anointing’
The anointing breaks the yoke, and special grace is dispensed to me so I can minister, unhindered. This is what I believe to be that dispensation to me as I minister, especially with the ‘power gifts.’ The anointing is not something I jump in and out of. You have it or you don’t.
What are ‘power gifts? I believe are signs and wonders.
Now there is a price to be paid for the anointing. What is that? Take up your cross and follow Him’. For those that carry this powerful anointing, there has been paid an incredible price. I sense the Lord saying, ‘it will cost us. We will have to die to our reputation, our theology, our religious formulas, fear and control! Are we willing, if need be, be willing to sit in the ‘back row ‘of the church? Jesus, said, ‘he who has found his life shall lose it, and he who has lost his life for My Name’s sake, shall find it’. When GOD found us crying out to Him in our ash heaps, we were broken. He took us, and our brokenness to the potter’s house, and crushed the broken pieces of our lives into powder, ready to be made into the substance of a ‘new vessel”. Why we were already broken but the final crushing was necessary, and when our “dust” is mixed with His living water, we have the viable substance, ready to be formed into the new vessel. Now we are ready for the Potter’s Wheel. This is the place of the anointing. Now as the wheel is spinning His hands form us. The time of testing is when we are placed on the shelf to dry, before the first, and second firings. Wilderness. Our promotions will be out of this ‘‘dry wilderness’. After the second firing we are ready for the ‘Glaze ‘which is the anointing. God is methodical in our sanctification and anointing process!
For me personally, the chronic back pain, since 1996,( result of 4 injuries to my back) and the sorrows of watching my husband’s painful process, is my second firing. God gives me reprieve during ministry times, when HIS GRACE takes over, but I am not yet ‘cooked’ in the kiln. Not yet seeing the fullness, just an appetizer of what is to come! My FINAL chapter is not complete, but I can still minister.
I believe not to despise these times, and as I praise Him in it, it becomes the sacrifice of praise, a sweet savor to Him. I trust Him with my life, the good and the bad.
2 Peter 5:10 is a comfort and source of hope to me. 10 And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will Himself, confirm restore, strengthen, and establish you’ ESV
No one likes talking about suffering!
Regardless of how He is moving in my life now, I cannot wait to see the ‘finished ‘product.
Yes, I do believe the time of healing will come, that is the Hope.
But for me I would not be the person I am now, because I have NOT wasted, and wont waste my sorrows.
2 Corinthians 1:21 implies the anointing from the crushing is part and parcel of being made Holy, separated unto God.
It is the influence and testimony given through this ministry of the fellowship of the intimacy of the sufferings of Jesus Christ, that I believe is a powerful witness, to others of His keeping power. In the KILN. Although I carry the anointing, as I previously stated, I believe there is more to follow, for myself. I long to see, and experience His finished project. There is always more to be had in His Kingdom, and I want ALL He has
I believe that GOD wants us to be so ‘fat’ with the anointing, so full that eventually, those yokes will just ‘burst off’, the old clothes in our lives, and they will no longer fit! I also believe this is the fruit of more time in HIS Presence. The anointing breaks the yoke, but His presence brings the power. The anointing is the fuel, and His presence brings, ignition!
For me this is a call to spend even more time, in His presence. I call it when I am home, alone, ‘hanging out with Jesus’, all day long!
It is constant, not intermittent. SO, for me, after the ministry time is over. I have not lost my anointing, I am walking the fine line, between hope and reality’.
Josephine Marie Ayers 4/7/22