I have in the last two weeks been in a ‘slump’ of all slumps. I finally reached out to a friend who also has been, and then another, and who knows how many, really? Not one of them said, ‘shame on you’ or anything like that. All of them said, ‘been there and done that’.
In talking to my friend this am, (who by the way) was a tremendous encouragement, said something very profound that I paused at. What she described was the enemy of our souls, is really pursuing with extra effort, to ‘cut off by the knees, those of His Remnant, He has called to be, what I would call, Game Changers for God! I actually do a Podcast called that on the Charisma Podcast Network. A game changer is one that is called to shift the current environment in an unprecedented and unexpected way! She alluded to the fact she felt we were in, the “Last Mile Calling’. I wrote that down! Yes, yes yes!
Immediately what came to mind was the movie, Facing the Giants. A 2006 Christian Movie about a losing coach with an underdog football team faces their giants of fear and failure, on and off the field, to surprising results. I saw this movie 6 times, and each time pulled something different from it.
One particular scene was the coach dealing with a young man who could not see his purpose or potential. In a field exercise, he had the young man do the ‘death crawl’. He had to get down on his hands and knees with a man on top of him, and crawl to a goal line. Now of course the young man could not see how he could ever achieve this, ‘last mile call’. The strategy employed by the coach was to tell the young man, to NOT LOOK AT THE GOAL MARKER, OR fixate on the weight on his back, and take it one inch at a time. Oh yes, he blindfolded the young man as well. The temptation is always to look! Before he knew it, the young man, and the team succeeded. Our coach, Jesus, is calling us to the same!
So, where I am going with this? I sense many of us on the front lines or even God’s Generals, are battle weary, maybe having a crisis of faith, or just plain depressed or feeling ‘stuck. They are carrying, huge weights on shoulders and backs. In their/our minds maybe the prophetic WORD goal markers we have not seen come to pass, at least the way we envision it. Discouragement, loss of vision, loss of hope, and maybe even the ‘depressed ‘, have snuck in.
I sense we are in the time of the ‘Last Mile Calling’. We don’t see it, but GOD does! What does Habakkuk say in Chapter 2: 2? ‘Write the vision down, and though it tarry wait for it, for SURELY (my caps), it will come to pass”.
We need to keep our eyes on Jesus, knowing HE is a faithful God. We also need to put away any predisposed opinions of what we think the vision is, and wait for God to bring it, unless He tells us to do something specific. We need to also know the strategy of the enemy, (I am sure he is feeling desperate, for he is a defeated foe, whose time is nearing and end). We need to see that these issues we are dealing with, can be used by him, to bring us down. Always, be on the alert for the tactics and strategies of the enemy! How do you know the lies? You have to KNOW THE TRUTH, first!
All that being said, these are real feelings and we can take them to the father, or as I did this am, humble myself to another, for prayer. Remember we are all Jesus with “skin on’, and being a believer is a BODY ministry! My friend also reminded me JESUS Himself is referenced in that WORD as interceding for us, 24/7. WOW! There is NO shame in dealing with these ‘times’ in our lives, as we are human! Also remember, while there is a place for quiet and alone time, but isolation can be a ‘killer’. Reach out to that friend, they may be in the same place as you are! Jesus, Himself disclosed His humanity to us , many times in the Bible.
If you read the New Testament, you can bet Jesus was acquainted with all of our emotions. He just chose not to ‘stay there’, for the higher calling in His life.
I am one that is a believes in ‘appointed times’ as they are stated in the WORD, over and over. Jesus waited for his ‘appointed time’ to begin His ministry. He did major miracles at ‘appointed times and feasts!
Once we hit our ‘Kairos Moment and Appointed time’ I believe we will be off and running, like a ‘race horse’. No going back.
Too many of us we are also in a ‘rest ‘mode, and we need to embrace the process (rest), and get ready for these accelerated moments in our lives.
This is our LAST MILE CALLING”, GET READY TO RUN, like never before.
A scripture that encourages me is Isa 14:27. Paraphrase, ‘all the gates of hell cannot come against what GOD has ordained for us. Do you believe it?!