The Lord impressed on me to speak on Authority, Dominion and Honor. He gave us these. But before we go there.
But first let’s look at some definitions. Let’s start with HONOR.
From the original Greek and Hebrew
I highly recommend Mike Brown’s Book,’ Reclaiming the Lord Diamond of Honor’, for further enlightenment. I know when I read this book conviction and repentance fell upon me.
2 Samuel 2:30- “them that honor me I will honor, and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed
God is crying out for honor:
Malachi 1:6- “A son honors his father, and a servant his master. If then I am a father, where is my honor? And if I am a master, where is my fear? says the Lord of hosts to you, O priests, who despise my name. But you say, ‘How have we despised your name?’
This passage goes on to talk about God asking for pure offerings, and first fruits and excellence, not ‘doggie scraps’ of our time, money, and heart attitudes, often offered to God. He is talking to the priests, but He is also, talking to us. Are we not a royal priesthood and a chosen generation as set forth in 1 Peter 2:9!
Now let’s talk about Dominion.
That is what I really want highlight right now.
I sense a Clarion call not only to Holiness but restoring our land and reclaiming the Dominion GOD assigned to man in the Garden of Eden. It was Humanism that introduced the separation of Church and State. God’s design never changed from us having Dominion and Ruling the earth according to His Biblical Principles. It is all laid out in the Bible.
FOR THE MOST part, most church leaders do not want to touch the subject of POLITICS with a 10-foot pole. But politics in the sense of Government is HIS GAME. We Are supposed to have dominion and rule the earth, and it starts not only with bringing people to Jesus, but also training up Disciples to rule this earth, with His principles, already laid out, and with His continuous direction, righteousness, and repentance. This is all stated in the WORD.
So, in essence I sense this world is a mess for two reasons. Church leaders have not taught about this subject, for whatever reason, and 2) abdicated control of our mandate from God to humanistic, and un-Godly leaders.
This is a whole subject in itself, but I am hoping that whomever reads this, takes it to the Father, and makes, ‘course adjustments’. For we will be held accountable before GOD in the end.
I felt very lead to share the following, that I preached a few years ago.
So, the homework and dare anyone go before Him and ask if they are part of those leaders remiss in not training Disciples in this area.
Individual and Corporate Revival is great, but we are in need of great REFORMATION!
Who will answer this call? I said, yes LORD, use me!
Remember those who walk in this mantle have to walk in HONOR!
What is very interesting the other day I said exactly, the above and shortly after received an invitation to teach in a BIBLE SCHOOL! He did not waste a moment in answering my prayer!
The government is upon His shoulders, but HE uses us to bring the Kingdom of God here. This this is not it!
Dominion is defined as: Sovereignty control
Synonyms Command, power, superiority, sway, dominance, government
2), the territory of a sovereign or government
Synonyms: dependency, protectorate, possession
Dominion is the place or the places, or living beings, GOD gave us the right to care for, rule and look after. See Genesis 1:26 ESV
Here God has created us in His likeness and gave us dominion, over his creation.
We move from dominion to authority in the New Testament.
Man, definition of: Authority is defined as: 1) the power or right to give orders, and enforce obedience. Scripture says He has given us Authority over the Demonic.
Synonyms: power, jurisdiction, command, control, charge, dominance, rule, sovereignty, supremacy
2) a person or organization having power of control in a particular, typically political or administrative sphere.
Synonyms: officials, officialdom, establishment
1st Biblical Authority, (exousia) is the freedom to decide, or a right to act without hindrance. All such authority begins with God with God, for there is not authority except from God (Rom 13:1)
2nd, the concept of authority refers to the power, ability, or capability to complete and action. i.e., Jesus was given authority to forgive sins (Matt 9:6.8) and to drive out spirits, (Mark 6:7). Jesus gave the disciples authority to trample out snakes and scorpions, (Luke 10:19)
3rd, the word authority is used with reference to delegated authority in the form of a warrant, license or authorization to perform.
Jesus was asked by whose authorization he taught (matt 21:23). He was granted authority for His ministry from God the father (John 10:18). Saul was sent to Damascus to persecute Christians by warrant of the priests, (Acts 26:12). God gave the apostles license to build up the church (2 Cor 10:8).
4th Exousia is often used to denote the sphere in which authority is exercised. We are talking here about governments, and other established spheres of authority in our world. Our relationships to those over us, in authority.
What I believe God wants us to focus on tonight is the second and third meanings with regard to the His Power, authority, and the license HE gives us as believers, to exercise HIS power through us.
I know we have all heard this, but it is plain to see that the connection from the head to the heart, to implementation is lacking. I see most of the church as impotent. Not really understanding what they carry in the fullness of Christ, and not at all operating in it. The enemy has done its job well.
God wants to change that tonight.
Let’s go back to that statement in Genesis where GOD is saying He is going to create man in HIS image and likeness. Do we really believe that? How can you operate in the Power, if you have not completely identified with the POWER SOURCE? And if you have, why are you not using it? Oh, maybe now and then. How can a move of GOD be sustained with that mentality? It cannot!
Check out this scripture in the Message:
John 14:12-14The Message (MSG)
11-14 “Believe me: I am in My Father and my Father is in me. If you can’t believe that, believe what you see—these works. The person who trusts me will not only do what I’m doing but even greater things, because I, on my way to the Father, am giving you the same work to do that I’ve been doing. You can count on it. From now on, whatever you request along the lines of who I am and what I am doing, I’ll do it. That’s how the Father will be seen for who he is in the Son. I mean it. Whatever you request in this way, I’ll do.
In this passage alone is the exousia (authority)demonstrated in the directive for action and license. Directive and license is also mandated to us here. Why don’t we see more of this?
I am sure there is more, but these are ones the LORD has highlighted to me.
Can you only imagine what this world would look like and be like if we were ALL operating at a level of Authority with ALL of His Power behind us? No demon in hell could stand to be around us. We would all be operating in miracles and signs and wonders, peace and unity.
Everyone seems to be waiting for the Kingdom to come in heaven, not realizing the Kingdom is now, and then in Heaven!
I believe in the 1830’s Finney operated in this kind of authority and power. 10000 people got saved, no bars, businesses shut down. The focus was repentance and the Kingdom of GOD here and now. Signs and wonders followed.
I can only surmise that whatever principalities were operating over this area had a hole punched through it by the corporate anointing that followed Finney’s ministry. An amazing synergy of power from on high, that lit up this whole area.
Well what happened? It is conjecture that when his intercessor passed away, that was the reason this great move died out. I do not believe that was the only reason. I believe it was the hearts of the people waxed dim and cold!
If GOD has a move in mind, I would not think it would dependent on one man/ intercessor living or dying.
If we go back to the initial criteria of all the reason, we are NOT seeing a move that exists and is sustained, we can probably assume that this is what affected the end of Finney’s revival.
Such as:
A while ago the LORD gave me an equation. Faith + humility +obedience = resurrection power. He took me through scripture to demonstrate to me how those that carried the resurrection power lived this equation.
God, I believe is not just looking for servants but for those who are radically in love with Him, that are pursuing holiness, and obedience, as a lifestyle. He is looking for a people I believe that when He says “jump”, they say, ‘how high’, without question. He is looking for ‘friends’, and those HE can trust with His Resurrection Power.
He is not looking for self-sufficiency, HE is looking for total dependence on Him for everything. He is looking for honor in action towards Him, and others.
God wants to light your fires towards His plans and purpose with bringing us together as one in Him, and bestowing on us honor, and greater authority to be blessed with His power, and to use His power with signs and wonders following. ALL of US! Are we willing to lay it all down for that, and make the changes necessary in our lives to get there?
GOD does not just want another revival; HE wants us to be the revival. And reform and take back what the enemy and ignorance has stolen. It starts with cleaning up our own acts, with the tools HE has given us, saying “Yes’ to God, and act!
Think about this.