Game Changers for God are Uncompromising Truth Seekers and Truth Tellers
One would ask, ‘What is Truth?’ Let’s look at that.
Some definitions, according to Webster:
Definition of truth
(Entry 1 of 2)
1a(1): the body of real things, events, and facts : ACTUALITY
(2): the state of being the case: FACT
(3) often capitalized: a transcendent fundamental or spiritual reality
b: a judgment, proposition, or idea that is true or accepted as truetruths of thermodynamics
c: the body of true statements and propositions
2a: the property (as of a statement) of being in accord with fact or reality
bchiefly British : TRUE sense 2
c: fidelity to an original or to a standard
3a: sincerity in action, character, and utterance
Let’s look at this one:
2a: the property (as of a statement) of being in accord with fact or reality
What is your reality as a BELIEVER? We talked about his before, and as a Follower of Christ? Not just a ‘Christian’. Christian means, you know Christ as Son of God! Merely going to church does not make you a follower, Believer, or Disciple. Just as sitting in a garage, make you a car.
Is God really your reality? Or is your reality revolve around where you are in “your’ lives, relationships and careers, Your plans and agendas? Do we really believe we were put here by GOD for His plans and agenda to be carried out?
Do we look at the bible as a “standard’ to be followed, or just a historical book to read? This is very foundational. If we don’t truly, BELIEVE the bible, and God’s promises to as truth, as a standard, we will be swayed further and further into the world. We will lean more and more to our own understanding and devices. We will move further and further from Truth and God! This is very serious and have intense spiritual consequences.
Proverbs 3: 1-8 TPT says:
The Rewards of Wisdom
3 1–2 My child, if you truly want a long and satisfying life,
never forget the things that I’ve taught you.
Follow closely every truth that I’ve given you.
Then you will have a full, rewarding life.
3 Hold on to loyal love and don’t let go,
and be faithful to all that you’ve been taught.
Let your life be shaped by integrity,[a]
with truth written upon your heart.
4 That’s how you will find favor and understanding
with both God and men—
you will gain the reputation of living life well.
Wisdom’s Guidance
5 Trust in the Lord completely,
and do not rely on your own opinions.
With all your heart rely on him to guide you,
and he will lead you in every decision you make.
6 Become intimate with him in whatever you do,
and he will lead you wherever you go.[b]
7 Don’t think for a moment that you know it all,[c]
for wisdom comes when you adore him with undivided devotion
and avoid everything that’s wrong.
8 Then you will find the healing refreshment”
Today we are talking about the truth, and being a truth seeker, and speaker. Like the Bereans in the bible. The Bereans were not those that would swallow every wind of doctrine, but searched the scriptures on their own for truth. Why? I don’t know the whole scope of that, but I can bet they wanted to make sure they were able to tell, what the lies were!
How do you know the lie, you need to know the truth first!
I guess the second question would be, do you really want to know the truth?? Many of us have been in denial, or thinking if we don’t know, we won’t be responsible for it? Another lie! God for sure, knows that con! At the end of time when we stand before Him, and He asks how come we did not do something, and we may say, ‘We did not know’? One of His answers may be, “you were told to read My Word”, how come you did not”. Or how about us saying, “I did not want to offend someone? He may say, “but you offended me, and stepped on my toes, and denied ME? “
The bible also says that we will be responsible for every idle word we say. Maybe do not say, as well. There is something about that in Ezekiel. Consequently, we may be responsible for all that we did not say, and could have said, that was truth. In many cases we are the only bible that people may see or here. That to me is an intense responsibility. Parents are required to teach and train up their children to His way. This also applies to leaders. If they don’t, GOD will hold them accountable for, not speaking truth, and may even cost someone their possible Salvation! Yikes!
We must examine our own motives for not searching for truth and then spreading it. Self/flesh/ fear of not being accepted/offending someone, and more! I think that is also called compromise!
What is compromise? Let’s look at one definition.
: a concession to something derogatory or prejudicial, a compromise of principle- Webster
People want to hear TRUTH! In today’s society and with what is going on some are too lazy to search for the truth, and swallow hook and sinker, lies from the enemy. When people who are not saved disseminate their version of truth, we can postulate that God is not, ‘driving their car’, and ‘you know who is’. We need to know the evil one’s strategy. The bible says, the enemy roars about seeking those, whom he can destroy. He has a particular fancy for Believers! The bible also has a counter scripture to that. It says, (authors paraphrase) The eyes of the Lord roam to and fro about the earth seeking to up hold the, “righteous. Those in “right standing” with GOD. Are you confident you are in right standing with God? If no, how do you get there?
Obedience, and diligence to believe and follow His word, is a great start. It says in Genesis, that righteousness was accounted to Abraham, because, he ‘Believed ‘GOD. Abraham did not argue with God. He knew His voice, and just obeyed! He became the father of many nations for his faith and obedience.
God is just not looking for servants! He is looking for friends! People that when He says “jump’, they say, ‘How high!’
My feeling about this, is that when we don’t Believe GOD at His word, and are not obedient to follow it, we inherit a bull’s eye on our back, waiting for an arrow from the evil one, to stab us. We become targets for the evil one, and open doors to not be truth seekers and speakers. Never mind a Game Changer!
Does speaking the TRUTH about God or the Bible threaten to put us in a vulnerable place of possible rejection from others. Possibly. But that is no excuse, not to be! Jesus is our example. He knew what was at stake if He did not, speak truth! Our salvation!!!
Game Changers are NEVER going to speak anything but the truth, regardless of any consequences. Game Changers are more worried about stepping on God’s toes, than others. Someone’s spiritual life and their accountability before God will depend on that! Game Changers for God are, UNCOMPROMISING!
In the last podcast we talked about the temperature GOD wants us as followers and Believers to be, HOT AND PASSIONATE. The bible says, lukewarm gets us vomited out of His mouth. BTW that is in the New Testament! So much for fluffy grace. But do you hear that truth preached often, or at all? NO!!!!! Now wouldn’t you want to know that information??? I would!
Jesus, Himself was the most truthful, and uncompromising person in the bible, and He was rejected and crucified, for it. It’s that our fears? Well, there will be consequences for us in the afterlife if this is truth for us, NOW!
To me it is the ‘pay now’ of later plan!
Game Changers are bold. We can ask God for boldness to be able to walk this walk. Myself I have not always been. I was a fearful, bullied person as a child. God transformed me! Not sure when this took place, I am sure a process.
The bible also says, Proverbs 28:1
King James Version 28 “The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion”.
I think that verse speaks to itself.
Jesus is looking for Game Changing truth seeking, truth seeking, uncompromising, and truth telling people!
There are things that are being told us these days, by so called “experts.
I have found myself but doing some of my own research, I have a medical background, that these so called’ truths are not entirely accurate. They don’t even match the ‘science ‘I learned as a medical person. How am I knowing the lies, I have searched out, the truth for myself? I am doing my own, ‘due diligence’. I don’t want to follow the crowd, when the truth is readily available. It is very naïve for us all to believe, that all leaders have your best interest in mind. Very! The only one that we can rely on in that vein, is GOD! He will talk to us via the Holy Spirit! Do we listen? Do we want to listen? Scripture says, in
Proverbs 29:18 says “Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law.” KJV
The word vision there is translated as, Prophetic Revelation”. Being able to hear God’s heart on any given matter”. We need to be trained to hear His voice on a dime!
I was at a conference in Colorado years ago. At the end one of the speakers told a story about a man he knew in Ireland, who was a factory worker. It was at the time when there was strife between religious factions, there. Then one day, a warning went out from the leadership in the factory of a bomb scare. The direction was to vacate the factory. But this man heard in his spirit, ‘Go down to the cafeteria and have lunch’. Over and over. He knew it was GOD. but did not match the reality, of the situation. But he knew the Holy Spirit’s voice and he obeyed. THE BOMB WENT OFF IN THE STREET!
I am sure you all get the message on that story!
Although all of us are not called to Office of Prophet, the bible tells us we are all called to Prophecy. Jesus Christ is the Spirit of Prophecy and we as Believers have the embodiment of the fullness of Christ within us. Remember we spoke about, those ‘greater things than these ‘Jesus said we do than He did in this day and hour”. John 14:12. In fact we are told to ‘not to despise prophecy’.
Are we really listening? Is that you?! And if not and you call yourself a Christian, follower or believer, why not? You don’t have to answer to me, but we will have to answer to Him. The bible says that as well.
BTW a Game Changer for God is not some elite group or squad. We are all called to be His hands and feet and GCFG, in this life. We are all called to be Game Changers for God, and do those greater things than He did, in this day an hour. Are you unhappy with what is happening in our world and nation? Then you can be a Game Changer, and ask God what your part is. If you choose not to, then don’t complain. You are now part of the problem, not the solution.
When I get to heaven, I don’t want Him to say to me, ‘Why didn’t you not want, all that I had for you’. I want to hear, “Well done, Good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of the Lord”
There is still time. Repent if you are not what and where you should be , in Him! Please remember Eternity is a lot longer than the time we will have here!
Prayer, Lord en bolden us to follow you in Spirit and in Truth, no matter what! Father, remove compromise, and fear of man, from our lives. Make us ‘Hot for You’. In Jesus Name AMEN!
Josephine Marie Ayers
Pres/Founder Flames of Fire Ministries, Inc. a 501c3 organization
April 15th, 2021