Did God Tell You That?!
Kind of an unusual statement, at the get-go! But bear with me.
We lived in Southern California for 14 years. One time as we were about to get on the 5 Freeway, the Holy Spirit spoke to my spirit so clearly to me, ‘I want you to have faith like your grandson Noah’. Now Noah at time was somewhere between 11 months and 15 months, old. I replied to the Holy Spirit. ‘Can you explain further’? What He impressed on me was that as a young child Noah was care free, and just ‘knew’, he would be fed, re diapered when soiled, clothed and more. All he was concerned about was ‘being’, and his business at the time consisted of growing, and play. If we had to measure the circumference of my Noah’s life, maybe it was the size of a golf. or ping pong ball. Can we agree that our lives as adults are far more complex, and many feel like the ‘weight of the world ‘is on them, and plates are not just filled, put overflowing? I felt like Mary with the Angel, ‘How can this be?’
My life was the latter size! Can you relate? “How can I go to that level of faith, Lord” I replied. No answer. Little did I know that although I considered myself a woman of great faith, God would show me, how little faith, I actually had. I have many stories prior to this time in San Diego, of GODS miracle provision, and more. But He was going to up the ante in the faith area in my life. Supernatural faith, was coming. It is a process!
Speaking of Noah in the BIBLE, GOD himself told him to build the huge boat to save himself and the animals. We have the ability via the Holy Spirit to hear HIM ourselves. Where do you get your direction from?
As I have often heard my husband say, ‘If you are a Christian and not changing, you are probably dead, in some way. Change is not a giant; it is inevitable as GOD moves us to from Glory to Glory! I marvel at even now, how we got to California, and sustained us, was miraculous!
So back to how this was going to happen! Supernatural faith! I did say, yes to the Holy Spirit, about the journey I was going to be on.
I just did not understand how I was going to get there. Prior to saying yes to His invitation to this new challenge, I also had said ‘YES ‘to a life of radical obedience to HIM. I was done doing Christianity, my way. Not anymore. That means when He says, ‘Jump’, I say, ‘How high?
It became a journey of embracing some very hard times, but also watching Him work in EVERY SINGLE INSTANCE, in amazing ways, and He still is! I call this, HE was building a ‘track record ‘for with me, that I would never forget. SO, in the most difficult times later, I would remember all HE did then. I would also remember that He is the God that does not lie, or change and HE would never leave me or forsake me. By the way, He never has, in my 69 years of life. God is faithful and Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy, the most reliable source available to us, via the Holy Spirit. I’ll keep saying this until those with doubt that they can, believe it!
Special note that back then our country was not in the ‘pickle’ it is in, now.
I also did not know back then that my husband was severely broken, emotionally, cognitively, and developmentally. though I knew something was very amiss. Now when I look back at all those years, it was not David or I that had anything to do with surviving those 14 years, it was GOD TAKING CARE OF US, in miraculous ways. Too many to describe.
I wish I had the ‘memo’ to the degree that I do now, then. But all was not wasted, because now, and since we have been back in NY, I see even more His hand. Our track record with HIM is greater. I know believe Him for bigger and better.
I believe that all of us, have some kind of ‘track record ‘with God. But many now maybe saying, ‘oh the times are too bleak, maybe this is even too big for God’? NOT! Too me these times will not be fixed by one man, I believe that GOD will do something, to give GLORY TO HIMSELF! When called on to do my part whatever that is, I will. But I have enough on my plate. The Bibles says, ‘The government is on His shoulders”
So don’t worry. ‘Easy for You to say, Lord!’ Look at what’s happening in our nation and world?? Like He does not already know!
Matthew 6
Do Not Be Anxious
25 “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? 27 And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?[g] 28 And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, 29 yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. 30 But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? Do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we 31 Therefore wear?’ 32 For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
34 “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
‘Well what kind of stupid question is that?’ ‘Of course, I do’. But do our actions reflect that belief? This was the crux of what GOD was trying to tell me, getting on that freeway, way back. “Don’t worry, be happy. Focus on what you can change, and what I want you to do for ME!”
He is showing me there is a difference between a Believer and follower, and a Christian. DO we really believe all that God tells us in the Bible? Do we make it our ‘reality’ in how we move about in life? Are they just stories we read?
It was said that it was accounted to Abraham Righteousness, (right standing with God) because he (Abraham) believed Him. Galatians 3:6.
It is also said, that God tells us not to fear, 365 times in His word. I did not actually count them, however check it out yourself.
Fear (False Evidence Appearing Real) is one the most powerful weapons the enemy has to, ‘cut us off at the knees, and more. Now FEAR can be a positive motivator, if it drives you to avoid something bad. Godly fear is ok as well. Says so in the bible!
What motivated this blog was myself listening to u tube videos of ‘brand name ‘prophet voices, warning of famines, and more, and to start stocking up.
Honestly this to me is so counter intuitive to what GOD’s word says about, not worrying and don’t fear!
Also think about the Children of Israel! God told them to just take enough manna for one day. Remember those that did take more, it rotted before the they could use it.
The children of Israel lost their place in the promised land because of disobedience to GOD’S voice, and UNBELIEF!
If GOD can raise Jesus from the dead, do you think HE cannot put a ‘put roast on your table’?!
God sent the Ravens to feed Elijah.
Matt 6: 19
“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust[e] destroy and where thieves break in and steal, 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also’ ESV
Verse 11: Says, ‘Give us this day our daily bread”
I cannot believe for the life of me, that God’s remnant that cannot afford to stock up, or buy silver would be, ‘abandoned by God! No way!
Even in my limited ability to store, it WOULD NEVER sustain a prolonged famine! I don’t need to know how He is going to sustain us, all I know is, HE WILL! My job is so Believe, and Abide, and have oil in my lamp. By the way, you can’t get oil from others. You have to get it yourself, and it is found in his presence.
God also says in His WORD,
So, I am going to allow GOD to take me to the next level of supernatural faith. Will you consider that?
Will you consider that you can take the WORD of GOD to the BANK!
My plate is so overflowing I don’t have time to worry, fret about, what “coulda, shoulda , woulda”! I have to keep my focus right now, and this is where the RUBBER HITS THE ROAD with me, in terms of my survival.
I am going to stop listening to Prophetic Warnings from others that have NO REAL SOLUTIONS OR References to GOD’s ability to provide for us, or be that Good Father, with good gifts. Yes, it is that simple.
My track record with Him is so solid that if He cares about me finding two lost single earrings, two different kinds, after a week of my travels being everywhere. He will certainly take care of the major details in your life. I have so many stories.
Spend time with God and get your own answers about what He wants you to do, and do not let others influence you. You’ll be the better off for it, and that childlike faith, He talked to me about years ago, is right where we want to be.
These ‘brand name ‘prophetic voices by the way, I have the utmost of respect for these voices, are human, just like us.
Some of the ‘nuts and bolts ‘I teach in my classes are;
1)Not one of us, is 100% with hearing God, we all have human filters.
2) A Word from the Lord MUST line up with scripture
3) A good WORD should Confirm what GOD is already doing in our lives, of spoken to us.
4) When a person who prophesy’s is not willing to be wrong, or insists that they are the only people hearing from GOD, that is called, ‘prophetic arrogance and pride)
Now I teach the Prophetic, and move in it very strongly. There is only one God, and how come God was not telling me this, himself?
Confusion had now entered my life! Guess where that is from? Yup, the enemy. I must admit with these ‘voices’ pretty much saying we need to, ‘stock up’ and more, without any references to scripture, in the realm of not worrying, or not fearing, that was the big red flag.
Now we are all called to prophecy, not all called to office of prophet. It says that and more in 1 Cor 14.
But many do not cultivate that gift, or think it is not for them, and do ‘fast food prophetic” and buy hook line and sinker all that is told them in Christian Media, online Prophecy and more! WRONG, DANGER ZONE! I said none of us are 100% in giving WORDS! What make me even sadder, is that those unschooled in the prophetic a more likely to go off in fear and panic, than those of us, that have been ‘around the corner’ in these circles.
IF GOD HAS NOT TOLD YOU HIMSELF, DON’T DO ANYTHING UNTIL YOU GET A DIRECTION! But being the Berean I am, I checked with humble and accurate prophetic sources on this matter, with the question, IS GOD TELLING YOU TO RAID COSTCO, BUY SILVER /GOLD AND STOCK UP? The answer was “no’. One answer I got was, ‘Well I trust those Prophets’ ! That made me sad! What is God telling you? Not a great answer, back?
See I had already started a stock up. My motivation was not completely ‘worry’ but “caution”. But the truth is when I asked the Lord if I should, he said nothing. I was not happy with nothing. I had to repent, from allowing worry and fear in, based on someone’s else’s predictions.
Another thing I tell my students is, if you do not hear from GOD, just stay in your same lane until he, CHANGES THE DIRECTON.
So that is my take. Check it out for yourself. Sufficient for the day are troubles, and ask yourself this question, DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE THAT GOD CAN TAKE CARE OF YOU AND YOURS! If NOT, why?
I can tell you GOD will meet you where you seek Him. Do I think it is wrong to stock up or whatever? No. But the issues are really a deeper trust in Him, and going higher, and putting the supernatural in your faith. When we get there, the stress level goes away, because it is ALL ON HIM, as our Abba Daddy!
That is between you and GOD.
Submitted in love, and the quest for more of God and less of me.
Josephine Marie Ayers, Flame of Fire Ministries, Inc
April 16,2022