Manifestations of His Glory
There is much being said about physical manifestations of the LORD in certain church services and at certain meetings, with certain ministers; feathers, gold, diamonds, other precious jewels, and angels. etc.
I have heard and seen pictures of some of these, but still inquiring of the Lord why I have not experience these myself.
The Lord quickly told me that I had, and they were right in front of me, almost every day, and that a particular meeting, or minister was not necessary to reassure myself, I had not missed anything. While I do not despise such meetings, I think the focus is off occasionally, and many may feel they are missing it, if they do not attend.
This is how the Lord showed me where I had missed the mark:
1.The diamonds were the women in prison I used to minister to, and were there still in both genders. Some were polished and some were emerging and being polished, being ready to be released.
2- The gold was represented by those saints that were tired in the fire and had come forth as pure gold. Have you seen any gold today? Perhaps you are the gold.
3- The angels were those that ministered to the homeless, and laid down their lives for others, etc.
While I do not deny the existence of angels, and we have them as heirs of salvation as well. Look for them every day, they are right in front of you. The scripture Hebrews 13:2 KJV ‘be not forgetful to entertain strangers for thereby some have entertained angels unaware”
4- Jewels- We are ‘treasures in His crown’. Zechariah 9:16 NIV says, “The LORD their God will save their people on that day as a shepherd saves his flock. They will sparkle in his land like jewels in His crown.’
5- Feathers – ‘He covers me with His feathers every day! Psalm 91 tells me this, if I abide in the “secret place”, I believe is ‘the intimate knowledge of His love”.
I think perhaps maybe the focus on finding all these through certain ministries and meetings, are somewhat over rated, and may make others feel like they are missing something, if they cannot attend. Or maybe they are just reminders of where we are too look for them. Like the Lord did for me. His presence and Glory are with us, every day. Open our eyes Lord to see His manifestations of His handiwork every day, as we are carriers of His glory to others. Not to just soak in it, but to spread it around. Whom have you told that they are gold and a treasure to GOD today? When you look in the mirror do you see yourself as this? God wants you to!
When and if they come in meetings they are pointing us to look at the greater glory of where these are found, every single day in us and others. Let’s keep our eyes on Jesus, we are the manifestations of His Glory! Let’s focus on the giver, not the gifts! The Kingdom of heaven is here, and now.
Josephine Marie Ayers
Flames of Fire Ministries, Inc
April 23, 2017