For the last two days I have been hearing the words, “Hydrate “from the LORD. “My people are in a drought because they are not drinking the Living Water, that I offer. Some are bordering on spiritual death.”
In the natural there are many areas in our country that are suffering drought. While others have been overtaken with waters, that have led to catastrophe and death.
I believe specifically for those that are in drought it would be good to see where they are, and check themselves with regard to their spiritual hydration. This is a prophetic look at the state of many in the Body of Christ, and also those who do not know Him yet.
There are many, many scriptures in the Bible that admonish us to seek, come to Him, drink, and also once filled up. This is not only for us, but so we can release His living water to others. Jerimiah 2: 13 speaks of those that have forsaken Him, who is the Fountain of Living Water. They have hewn out cisterns for themselves, broken cisterns, that cannot hold water.
To me this speaks of those who are doing their Christian walk, their way. It holds the promise of frustration, failure and fruitlessness, because if He does not build our cisterns, whatever goes in, will flow out.
There is another scripture in which the Lord says, ‘unless the LORD build the house, they that labor, labor in vain”. I don’t know how much clearer he could have made it, that anything less than obedience, and relationship with Him, will result in fruitlessness, and spiritual death. There are some that are teetering on the cliff of Spiritual death.
There is another parallel in the natural. The body is made up of mostly water. Greater than 85% of us. While we can go without food for a while. If we go without daily water, our organs will dehydrate, shut down and die. All of this in very short order.
Same with our spirit bodies. The water we need is fresh water, daily from Him, not water that has been contaminated. We also need fresh Manna, not stale bread. God offers us bread you cannot buy from a store, every day, as we seek Him to nourish our spirit, not just our bodies.
We are holistic beings and one does not function well without the other. It is not likely we would forget our meals, because our stomach would remind us quickly. If there are times we feel like everything we touch is turning brown, it is probably an indication we are not feeding our spirits with Heavens bread, and we have not been drinking at His living fountain.
There is a line in a worship song that says, ‘Your Spirit is like water to my soul”. If this is you, there is an immediate remedy, HYDRATE!
Brothers and sisters, this day come to the well, drink deeply. Do this faithfully every day. Be refreshed so that a wellspring of His water can come from us, and splash on those we come in contact with. Thirst no more. Immerse yourself in His living pool! We cannot be effective giving out, if we ourselves are dry and empty.
He promises the source is endless. If you are reading this, and you feel dry and parched, see this as a clue that you are not drinking from THE WELL OF LIFE, Jesus Christ. Come to His pool, jump in with both feet, splash around, drink deeply and make this a daily routine. There you WILL find rest, nourishment and refreshment, for your souls. The promise is, you will NEVER thirst again.
John 7:37
John 7 :38
Jerimiah 2:13
John 4 :14
Rev. 21:6
Isaiah 44:3
Josephine M Ayers and