God Is Making Perfect Oil, and the best New Wine
(God wants to perfect His oil /anointing in our life, a last days anointing!)
God has been laying on my heart the importance of His Oil/ Anointing in our lives. As with anything else is it is a process. He also was showing me as with the parable of 10 virgins, how important we have oil in our lamps when He comes.
As I began to study how pure virgin olive oil is obtained, He began to show me parallels in our lives as followers of Jesus Christ.
Where we are planted, how we are nourished and fed, the climate in our lives, how we are extracted, and processed, and also the right amount of light in our lives, will determine the outcome and quality of our oil.
Holiness is also a process. The process is called sanctification and we spend our lifetime on this earth, being made Holier and Holier, (set apart for His service), and being made without spot of wrinkle.
He is also preparing new wine for us, and before we can receive it, the old wine skins have to be removed, in order to contain it.
- Olives are fruits. The WORD says they will know us, by our fruits. Fruits are delicate and fragrant, and their flavor and fragrance are attractive. Are we a sweet savor to others and our Lord?
- In order to have a good harvest, the olives need to be protected from pests and disease that will attack them. What are WE doing to protect what GOD is doing in our lives. Are we in; fellowship with GOD, and His Body, in the WORD, drinking in His Living Water, accountable, eschewing evil, repentant, washed in the Blood, resisting the enemy, etc?
- Olives and grapes need to be handled gently, so not as to cause bruising. The goal is a perfect product. The LORD is a gentle as He can be in handling us. Isaiah 42:3 NIV, says, ‘A bruised reed He will not break a smoldering wick He will not snuff out. In faithfulness He will bring forth justice. “. He individually tailors our ‘process’ and provides all the grace to do through it.
- As with wine production the process involves crushing and separation. Don’t be afraid of being separated. We are to live in the world but not a part of its present values.
- There is not getting around it. It is not comfortable process. Many do not like to talk about the intimacy of the fellowship of the sufferings of Jesus Christ. But it is a means to the ends. of His Glory. God is in process now of separating the wheat from the chaff, and also removing old wineskins, and crushing the flesh all for our purification and His Glory in us. He was the example, but for the Glory set before Him, He endured the cross. He has set before us the same, process. The bible also says, is the ‘servant is not greater than the master”. I believe true SONSHIP comes with a price, as it did for Him, but after the suffering, comes the Glory. The scripture says, in 1 Peter 5:10, NIV “And the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will Himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast”. Embrace the process, the Glory is at hand! It will not last forever!
- After harvest the olives need to be processed right away or the quality of the oil will decrease. Often our process is precipitous. But the ‘oil’ will be grand! He knows exactly how long, how hard or soft, what temperature necessary for each of us individually, to yield the perfect oil.
- The olive oil need so to be stored and with care, and must be stored in clean containers. When I was in prison ministry one of the of the leadership said to us ministers, ‘Whatever you do, protect the anointing(oil) in your life’. That has always stuck with me and with the Lords’ enablement, it is something I take very seriously. It is no one ‘s responsibility but ours to do that. He gives us the guidelines in His Word and with the direction of His Spirit.
- There are many grades of olive oil. We each have individual gifting’s and anointing. I believe when we worship corporately the synergy of those anointing creates an explosion in the Spirit.
What does the anointing do? The anointing not only equips and enables us, but it breaks the yoke of bondage. Isaiah 10:27, “In that day their burden will be lifted from your shoulders, and heir yoke from your neck’ the yoke shall be broken because you have grown so fat’.
The Lord sees the suffering, pruning, and crushing many are going through. I sense Him saying to embrace the pain, for He is preparing a white and spotless bride, and the best wine for last that is being poured into prepared vessels. His grace will be poured out in great measure to those that are willing to pay the price, to the higher call! Get ready for fresh and finest oils of His anointing to be poured out in our lives for the greatest out pouring this world has ever experienced.
JMAYERS/ Flames of Fires Ministries