Several years ago my younger son gave me an Aloe Vera plant, (type of succulent whose juice is frequently used for burns).
The plant was about an inch and a half tall, in a very small, homemade pottery planter. I kept this for years, and I mean years. We moved it with us to California. It sat on my kitchen counter, and it stayed the same for years, absolutely no growth, but was still alive. It even got pulled out of the dirt a couple of times, replanted, but still remained changeless.
One day I inquired of the LORD, ‘Why is this plant never shown any growth’? He impressed on me to get a very, very large planter, the kind you put on the floor. I did so, filled it with potting soil, and stuck that little inch and a half Aloe Vera plant in there. If the plant could think it might have felt overwhelmed at the size of this planter, or felt lost in a sea of dirt.
Within a couple of weeks it started to grow, and fast. Soon it over took the pot, and had multiple babies on it. Now I had many plants off the main plant, which was not longer and inch and a half. My cup ran over with Aloe Vera and I began to give them away as gifts.
What the LORD showed me was that growth could not happen without expansion, and that many in the Body are being promoted, but the “pot “that is coming their way, has overwhelmed them. He went on to say that fear of the unknown was their biggest enemy, not lack of anointing. The LORD went on again, that some will stay in their “pots’ with the old dirt, and some will march out in faith, not knowing how this can all be. They will miss the fullness of what He has for them because of fear, and unbelief. They would be blessed, but the ones that embraced the process, who went all out with the amazingly large and audacious dreams and visions, God put in their hearts, fearlessly, would be doubly blessed.
The LORD says,” I cannot multiply you without faith, and trust in Me. I have new territory for you, with fresh soil to take back ground for My Kingdom. Do not be afraid because the provision is already there, you have merely to step out and let Me replant you and expand and multiply you and your tents. I want to share your gifts with many” So let us step up to the plate and let Him knock it out of the park.
Hebrews 11:1
1 John 2:27
Philippians 4:19
Isaiah 41:10
Josephine M Ayers
Flames of Fire Ministries