Posted on 8/18/2016
A few weeks ago, on a Saturday I was speaking to a friend on the phone. The subject matter was some areas I felt God wanted to do in me, course corrections. She remarked I did not have to do what I suggested to correct the issue, but I came...
Posted on 8/11/2016
Earlier this week, during my prayer time, I heard the words” Are you dead yet?” Than as quickly as I heard that, I was referred to the scripture; John 12:24,” Truly, truly I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone;...
Posted on 8/4/2016
Not long ago, I had an appointment a good distance away from my place, in the city of Rochester. The meeting was over very late, and when getting into the car, it was starting to rain, some lightning and thunder. By the time I hit the interstate to go home,...
Posted on 7/28/2016
The LORD has been burning this on my heart for several days. He gave me a picture of many people who have been in different types of prisons; financial, relational, occupational, emotional, physical, and the like. These have been years and years in their prisons, and one would think this would...
Posted on 7/21/2016
For the last two days I have been hearing the words, “Hydrate “from the LORD. “My people are in a drought because they are not drinking the Living Water, that I offer. Some are bordering on spiritual death.” In the natural there are many areas in our country that are...
Posted on 7/14/2016
A few weeks ago I was invited to a baseball game, the Rochester Red Wings, at Frontier Stadium, Rochester, NY. I had not really seen a game in a long while, the first live game I went to in California, was quite boring. My dad was an avid Yankee fan, and...
Posted on 7/4/2016
I was talking to someone this am, and all of a sudden I heard the LORD say, “I am anointing my people to be SPIRITUAL FIRECRACKERS”. I felt this was not just an anointing, but also a mantle He is placing on His forerunners. Firecrackers are not just loud, they are...
Posted on 6/30/2016
One of my most favorite passages in scripture is Psalm 103:1-5, below. Bless and affectionately praise the Lord, O my soul, And all that is [deep] within me, bless His holy name. Bless and affectionately praise the Lord, O my soul, And do not forget any of His benefits; Who forgives all your sins, Who heals all your diseases; Who redeems your life from the...
Posted on 6/23/2016
I attended a ministry meeting last night. At the end of the meeting one of the leaders was talking about people we needed to pray for as a team. He went on to remind us specifically that the LORD commands we pray for our leaders.God gives this command in 1...
Posted on 6/20/2016
In 2004 I took daily walks around our California neighborhood. This particular morning, I was impressed with Psalm 91. As I looked around I saw in the spirit, all sorts of large wings over the homes. Some were broken, some had only one wing, some had two large wings and...
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