Posted on 10/16/2020
I was talking to a friend the other day who struggles with perfectionism. As we were talking, I suggested he see the disparities and imperfections of life as, an Adventure of the 'Un Normal!' I knew at the moment GOD was birthing this message. Oh, this is a place where you...
Posted on 8/20/2020
Voting is open. I am in the 100 finalists!
Posted on 8/21/2019
President Donald TrumpThe White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500February 05, 2019Dear President Trump, My name is Josephine Ayers. I live in Macedon, NY. By past occupation I am an RN, Realtor/ Notary and also now I am president and founder of a ministry called Flames of Fire, Inc....
Posted on 6/28/2019
Demolition before Upgrade! I was at lunch today with a sister who has been through an amazingly hard year. I cannot even describe all she and her husband, have been though, in almost every area of their lives. Some things just bizarre, and occurring in a seemingly relentless, and often...
Posted on 6/7/2019
Fueled by Grace! I was sitting in church one day, and a sister came over to me and asked how I was. Being as though I am moving through what seems to be an endless trial, I said to her’ the story is still being written’. He response to me...
Posted on 5/18/2019
"Un Broken Momentum" I was in a prayer meeting this past Weds. We were praying over a specific person, a scientist, who is pioneering in Breast Cancer Research. Although things are moving forward, there have been many ' starts and stops'. What the Lord had me pray over him was, '...
Posted on 4/16/2019
WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF JESUS FELL RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU! I was at a luncheon, last weekend. One of the topics of conversation was at a Christian theme park in Florida. They act out, using actors, the crucifixion, in addition to other biblical stories. This person mentioned that while...
Posted on 2/3/2019
Turnaround Day and Year, 2019! During worship at the beginning of this New Year, I kept sensing the word turnaround over and over in my spirit. I can remember praying into that at my church. In the last few weeks, over and over, same words. Now I sense it is...
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