Posted by Josephine Ayers on 4/16/2022
Did God Tell You That?! Kind of an unusual statement, at the get-go! But bear with me. We lived in Southern California for 14 years. One time as we were about to get on the 5 Freeway, the Holy Spirit spoke to my spirit so clearly to me, ‘I want...
Posted by Josephine Ayers on 4/16/2022
Stay in the Anointing? I was meeting with a dear friend, and explaining about how when I step in to a ministry time, (I used the word, ‘anointing designated from the LORD), the pain in my back, and the sorrow about my husband are deferred for a time. I was...
Posted by Josephine Ayers on 2/28/2022
The Lord impressed on me to speak on Authority, Dominion and Honor. He gave us these. But before we go there. But first let’s look at some definitions. Let’s start with HONOR. A showing og merited respect recognition From the original Greek and Hebrew An ornament of ‘splendor and majesty’ Excellency To prize, value and...
Posted by Josephine Ayers on 2/16/2022
Call to Action- 01/24/2022 Practical actions to take: Ways to get involved practically: Speak up publicly to help build public pressure momentum. Attend local school board meetings Consider becoming a precinct committee-member. How-to website here: Consider volunteering as a poll watcher or ballot counter on election night 2022 Take an hour every day to stay...
Posted by Josephine Ayers on 1/31/2022
I have in the last two weeks been in a ‘slump’ of all slumps. I finally reached out to a friend who also has been, and then another, and who knows how many, really? Not one of them said, ‘shame on you’ or anything like that. All of them said,...
Posted by Josephine Ayers on 8/26/2021
Game Changers for God are Uncompromising Truth Seekers and Truth Tellers One would ask, ‘What is Truth?’ Let’s look at that. Some definitions, according to Webster: Definition of truth (Entry 1 of 2) 1a(1): the body of real things, events, and facts : ACTUALITY (2): the state of being the case: FACT (3) often capitalized: a transcendent fundamental or spiritual reality b: a judgment,...
Posted on 5/6/2021
Game Changers are Thermostats, NOT Thermometers! While a thermometer is a tool to read a room’s temperature, a thermostat is able to control it. Whether it’s wall or boiler-mounted, this control dial is essential for regulating your home’s temperature. Let’s take a deeper look at what a thermostat is, what...
Posted on 4/20/2021
DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE? Amplified Bible Then Abram believed in (affirmed, trusted in, relied on, remained steadfast to) the LORD; and He counted (credited) it to him as righteousness (doing right in regard to God and man). Genesis 15:6 via Bible Hub Righteousness is also defined as being in right standing...
Posted on 11/13/2020
Hi I am, Rev. Josephine Marie Ayers, President and Founder of Flames of Fire Ministries Inc. I have real passion from personal experience to share how God transformed my thinking in this area. Believing I was and could be a Game Changer for GOD! I will take you through what a Game...
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